After a short introduction about this year’s program and the opening remarks of our guests,…
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Биди дел од деветтото издание на најдобриот филмски фестивал за деца и млади, Џифони Македонија!…
Петнаесет македонски средношколци и студенти од денес, па во наредните девет дена, ќе бидат дел…
If you are having any issues with watching the event from the site here is…
Winners of the Tenth Giffoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival Feature Film Competition: Best feature…
The Danish film “Checkered Ninja” will be screened at the Cinematheque of Macedonia on April…
The Belgian film “Space Boy” directed by Oliver Pero, winner of many awards at international…
The first day of the Giffoni Movie Days is over, but it was just start.…