Giffoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival was started in 2013 as an initiative of Claudio Gubitosi, artistic director and creator of Giffoni Film Festival with bilateral treaty with Macedonian Film Agency and gave the trust to start new festival under the Giffoni Brand in Macedonia. Lack of young audience in cinema theaters in Macedonia was essential motivation to make youth festival, but festival become much more important for young people than anyone expects on the beginning.
Three competitive sections for feature length films (Juniors +10; Kadets +13 and Seniors +16); four competitive section for short films (Short films, Short films for Jumiors, Animated films and Short student films).
International juries are composed of approximately 650 youngsters in 3 sections from more than 10 countries to meet and discuss about themes of screened films that affect the lives of young people Masterclass and workshops.
Giffoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival is branch of the most important cultural event for young people in the world Giffoni Experience Film Festival from Italy and in past years has become an essential hub in the Balkans.
The festival is a real experience for young people with film screenings, debates, workshops, concerts, panels and the whole city involvement oward new youth experieces.
Web page: www.giffoni.mk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GiffoniMK
Youtube: goo.gl/QRsjBM
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/gffmacedonia